Practice Manager - Audit trail for client history
Client History
It would be great to have a running record of client history in XPM, showing the date and person who, including but not limited to:
- created the client
- edited client details
- archived client
In a large firm over multiple offices, it would be easier to know who to contact if there are questions about details are entered into XPM, and keep XPM as a CRM up to date.

Hi everyone, we appreciate your involvement and sharing the different aspects of activity on clients history that'd be useful, and how this'd help your workflows. While we do believe this to be a valuable feature, that we may look to develop in the future, this isn't something we've been able to prioritise against other work right now. We'll continue to keep tracking and review this idea. If there is any change that'll impact you here we'll let you know.
Louis Trichardt commented
I would also like the status changes per job to be logged to show who changed what and when on the state tab of the job under notes.
David Cooke commented
I agree this is really important. Especially given the integration with other systems, eg Class, Nowinfinity, etc.
Barbara Turnbull commented
This is important because some changes are made due to the interaction with other programs and some made by staff. If there are continual errors this feature with help find the cause.
Babs Bright commented
important for identifying training areas and reduction of errors
Xero Ideas at GT commented
This is basic function of a good CRM. It is critical to assist with many aspects including data cleansing and data quality, understanding what and why something in the system has occurred, and for security - for example so we can see who has changed bank account details and when.
Stacey Reedman commented
This would be a good idea
Susan Edwards commented
Think this is critical info for practices to know when the client accounts were created.
Tyler Caskey commented
This would be great to have
Candice Randall commented
This is critical information for any practice. Please look into adding this as a feature in the very near future.
Jope Tawake commented
We just highlighted the same with our Account Manager, the only addition is to also include time stamps & deletions audit as well
Rachel Wright commented
This is so important, our compliance team are reluctant for us to embrace XPM fully because this isn't available.
Asshwni Shhelgaonkar commented
this will be easy to keep records clear & significant
Sharon Fairweather commented
Client History - Audit trail for client history XPM
This is so important for many reasons. I don't understand why Xero does not have this feature. It's so important for our admin support team to have access to the history. Blue Xero has a history feature.
- which staff member edited the client address/details etc
-when was the change madePlease help our admin team support our clients as best we can and add this feature in,
Thank you Xero Team
Stacey Nitschke commented
I agree this would be great.
In the mean time we have used the Custom Fields to create fields such as Client Created, Client Created By, Archive Date, Archived by etc.
This is useful when staff use the function properly, but not everybody does.
Juliana Kean commented
would help so much as we have two offices and it so vital to know who made changes to database
Ilan Choudhury commented
Please let me details
Leanne Setch commented
This would be very helpful for our practice.
Samuel Tortorella commented
Absolutely necessary.
Jamie Wright commented
This is critical, I think Xero is the only software that does not have a proper audit trail, it is not rocket science.
Nicole Johnson commented
I agree... has Xero responded to this request?