NZ Tax - Include GST tax type for tax statements report
It would be useful if in the Tax Statements reporting data set, we could also see GST statement data (currently only Income Tax and SLS show) so that we can check for unpaid GST balances.

Gordon Manley commented
Agree, this would be very helpful.
John Goldsworthy commented
Data is there so should be easy to report on. This ability would be very useful for managing GST p0ayment reminders and overdue amounts
Anne Topham commented
If data is available we need to be able to access and report on it.
Nick Wilkinson commented
Valuable product suggestion here. As highlighted, for GST and other tax types there are no such reports that shows outstanding balances. When you run a custom 'Tax Statement' report and filter to GST tax type, it unfortunately is a dud field that doesn't pull any data for this tax type. And as there are no payment notices issued for GST, the 'Tax Payments (Approved)' report doesn't work for this either. Having the GST (and other tax types) statement balances sync from IRD would be great for practices to be able to follow up on outstanding amounts from IRD without having to leave XPM. I have had several accounting practices ask for this functionality in the reports which would be very valuable for ensuring GST balances get paid.