XPM - Client report including connected Xero organisation
I would like to build a client report that shows the XPM client name but then also shows their Connected Xero organsiation (as this is often different to the XPM name).

Hi everyone, as noted in the comments here with Single Client record and client lists now being the same across XPM and Xero HQ you could export your client list from Xero HQ and you'll in the export file there is a column for Organisation name.
Appreciate this isn't directly within Xero atm, so we'll leave the idea open. We don't have any direct plans for developing this view in Xero right now, but we'll continue to track the appetite here and share if there's any change planned.
Kashyap Hari commented
Will be a good feature.
Nick Noone commented
To me this is logical.
Scotty Jenkin commented
Another Practice Implementation Partner here.
Currently with no real way to match the Connected Xero Org apart from Name where the name is normally different this is a massive headache to try and manually match names up where the connected Xero org differs to the PM name about to come into XPM. This lows down the conversion for firms wanting to do a quick migration onto XPM. If we do not spend the time matching the current connected Xero orgs to the data about to import then 100s and in most cases 1000s of duplicate clients then end up in XPM which the firm needs to manually sort in HQ. This gives them a database on go-live day with so much dirty data to deal with and extra workload to sort when trying to learn a new system. Having the ability to report on the Connected Xero Organisation is a much needed report field not only for this but for general reporting on what Xero Org names relate to the actual client name in XPM.
Nick Wilkinson commented
Practice implementation partner here. The following is from a perspective of practice onboarding to XPM.
Yes no reporting on connected Xero orgs is a bug bare for us implementation partners also. It costs a minimum half day at best to migrate and merge client records since the Single Record eventuated in Feb 2024. A practice with less than 3000 clients to migrate will have on average 200-500 duplicate records in HQ (e.g. due to existing orgs invited and new orgs bulk loaded). A larger practice with 7000+ client records takes approx a full day to comb through and identify duplicates to match to incoming clients (last one had 2500 duplicate client records to merge and identify). We literally lose an entire day or more to update and merge records. Being able to see the connected Xero org in a report will help identify which records need to be retained and which need to be updated when bringing other client records across from external databases to match up to.
Nilima DSilva commented
Important with the move to the single client record
Vicki Ferguson commented
Important to be able to know this
Tracy Price commented
Yes, this seems crazy that this report is not avaliable!!
Judy Watson commented
Agree - have just moved to the Single Client Record and would like report so can see which Xero Organisation is connected to which Client in Xero Practice Manager (especially as had few mis-connections on the move to the single client record, so want to ensure all connections are correct for the respective Clients).