Practice Manager - Re-order multiple jobs on one invoice
Add the ability to change the order in which jobs appear on an invoice when preparing an invoice with multiple jobs.

Donna Carter commented
We invoice multiple jobs at once and would like the ability to be able to select the order in which they appear on the invoice. At the moment, we have to go in to "edit" the invoice and put the wrong description on each job to ensure that the invoice prints out in the order that we want.
ie: The order that they might appear/print at the moment
Company BAS - Q3
Individual return
Company BAS - Q2
Comany tax return
Individual return
Company BAS - Q4
Company accounts
Company BAS - Q1The order that we would like to appear/print
Company accounts
Comany tax return
Individual return
Individual return
Company BAS - Q1
Company BAS - Q2
Company BAS - Q3
Company BAS - Q4Surely it should be easy enough to enable moving jobs up/down on the the actual "invoice information" page
Philippa Munro commented
This would also be good for when you are looking at past invoices on a client in XPM to see the main job you have invoiced rather than the first job that appeared on the invoice.