Practice Manager | Job Manager - Bulk assign staff via import
Good day,
Would it be possible to allow us to import the staff assignment via the CSV import file rather than assigning staff afterwards. Same for the template, category and job state.
Regarding the bulk staff assignment function, could we add filters and have the columns sort when you click on the column headings of this section please.
These two short comings is creating a huge delay in annual job creation for routine jobs.
No we cannot use re-curing jobs as XPM does not have the functionality yet to choose the date on which the re-curing job is created, you can only select the start and due date of the job.

Christie Maitland commented
Would love if the CSV import would include job budget and job custom fields. It's available on client custom fields why not be available for jobs.
Tinus Steenkamp commented
I wonder how much people would pay per month for an add on app to Xero Practice Manager that solves this problem as well as the problem with recurring jobs not having a creation date. Maybe one could make such an app update the created jobs that's linked to the original template when changes are made to the original template as well.
Susan Montanari commented
I am importing 300 jobs for 2023. I would like to populate the custom field for Hi everyone
Each year we import 300 jobs using the import function, but we are not able to import any Custom Fields eg "Job Accountant". Furthermore we are not able to import Staff.
Whilst the import function is useful it still requires significant manual intervention. It would be great if Custom Fields could be imported to Jobs as is the case with Clients and Leads. And that Staff could also be imported.
Veronica Swanepoel commented
Good day,
Would it be possible to allow us to import the staff assignment via the CSV import file rather than assigning staff afterwards. Same for the template, category and job state.
Regarding the bulk staff assignment function, could we add filters and have the columns sort when you click on the column headings of this section please.
These two short comings is creating a huge delay in annual job creation for routine jobs.
No we cannot use re-curing jobs as XPM does not have the functionality yet to choose the date on which the re-curing job is created, you can only select the start and due date of the job.