Workpapers for Individual Tax Returns
Workpapers for Individual Tax Returns - I'm new to workpapers and am still figuring it out. But they seem to be very ledger orientated. It would be good to have workpapers for Individual Tax Returns for entities that don't have a Xero datafile. For example - say salary and wage return. Linked to the tax return to show deductions and income ie - you have that union receipt, the basis you've calculated that work from home deduction, you have that buy/sell statement for the shares sold.

Gianina Castro commented
Yes please! This would be amazing!! Any updates on this?
Rebecca White commented
I firmly agree - you should be able to review all workpapers for a group in one area. Not have to view some in Xero Workpapers, and the others in excel or pdf docs. It's incredibly inefficient to not be able to just drag and drop a relevant pdf into a ffile note section