Workpapers - Carry existing packs forward when creating new ones
The entire workpapers function is inefficient and burdensome. It would be much better to have packs carry forward when creating new packs so that you don't have to add all the notes and work papers back each time. When you roll a work paper pack, having to check & uncheck all the irrelevant sections is a waste of time that would also be alleviated by just being able to roll the prior period pack. The ability to use excel sheets with linked data to the accounts in Xero would be greatly beneficial. Another aggravating and time consuming issue is not being able to open files, edit and save instead of opening, saving, editing, saving & reuploading. There needs to be increased file size saving capability as well. Having to split files into multiple documents just to be able to save them is just unpractical and cumbersome. It would also be great if you could view/edit/add/delete all the attached files from the initial screen without having to click through each section. Many improvement need to be made.

Calum Wilbur commented
It would be helpful if the equity workpaper carried forward the attached supporting documents from the previous year like the permanent section and hire purchase sections. Alternatively, you could under the option allow the firms to select what supporting documents they want carried forward to the next year.
Jason Grant commented
Would be amazing if there was a feature to roll forward the documentation on Work Papers, like other good Work Papers software have.
This allows everyone to see the history of each working paper in Excel - see attached image.
Hunting for prior year's working papers can be a chore and to have it at hand makes life so much simpler.
(Tree emoji - represents digital recycling ;) )