Job Manager: Repeating Tasks
Would be very helpful to have repeating tasks within a job. For example, if doing work for a client over the financial year there are a list of tasks every month. There is no effective solution when there are different staff assigned to different task within the client job. Repeating tasks with staff assigned for the year would allow you to keep track of what has been done & what still needs to be done for each month. (Monthly checklist for July, Aug, Sept,...)
Currently the only solution is to have a set of tasks and un-tick these each month. This is very time consuming when you have checklists for many clients & no record of tasks being completed in prior periods. (Would be a bonus to have an audit trail of when checklist items and tasks are marked as compete)
You can create repeating jobs for each month, but these repeating jobs don't have staff assigned to each task. This would take lots of time to assign staff to each task every month across multiple clients.
Neither of these options are efficient when multiple staff work on different "tasks" for each client and their "jobs"