Hubdoc - Add Last Items line orders & Reorder lines
Add Last Items on Hubdoc invoices - lines to be populated in the same order as the previous one. And/or enable the function to rearrange the line items on a multiple line invoice in Hubdoc (like you can in Xero).

Fiona Philip commented
I would like to know if this is being considered as an improvement to HubDoc. Both the copying over of tracking categories and the ability to reorder line items would save significant data entry time.
Audrey Parnham commented
Also why doesn't it copy over departments when you add last items?
Shannon Kueter commented
Yes please!
Shannon Kueter commented
This is critical. I have clients that have multiple split bills 60/40 %'s I am manually keying in the same items for the same vendor.
If HubDoc can keep/memorise the single line items/expenses please remember the multiple line items too!
This was mentioned back in 2022. That case is closed and no on can comment or vote. I see this only has two votes! Please help out the HubDoc users! I have attached a screen shot of just one vendor, but it woud be great to see it as a standard, just like the single line items.