XPM Workpapers - Show account Review Point relates to in the section at the bottom of workpaper
Currently, if I am looking at a Workpaper and I click on the Flag next to an account, I can add a Review Point for that account.
That review point shows up in the list at the bottom of the workpaper.
If I click the flag next to the account, I can see the review points that have been added to that account... but I can't see the replies to those review points and nobody can reply to them from that area.
I have to scroll down to the bottom to reply to the review point.
When I get to the bottom (to reply), there is nothing to say which account each review point relates to.
For similar review points I have to scroll up and down trying to manually match up the review points to the account.
For the same review point, I have to guess and have no idea if I've replied to the right one or not (until I complete it and it completes the flag on the wrong account).
Xero should just note the account number and name with the review point in the bottom section (yes I could write it, but I don't want to waste my time doing that hundreds of times when Xero already knows which one it relates to).
Or make it possible to reply and see replies to review points, from the flag menu at the account itself.
Sam Gray commented
Currently, if I am looking at a Workpaper and I click on the Flag next to an account, I can add a Review Point for that account.
That review point shows up in the list at the bottom of the workpaper.
If I click the flag next to the account, I can see the review points that have been added to that account... but I can't see the replies to those review points and nobody can reply to them from that area.
I have to scroll down to the bottom to reply to the review point.
When I get to the bottom (to reply), there is nothing to say which account each review point relates to.
For similar review points I have to scroll up and down trying to manually match up the review points to the account.
For the same review point, I have to guess and have no idea if I've replied to the right one or not (until I complete it and it completes the flag on the wrong account).
Xero should just make it possible to reply and see replies to review points, from the flag menu at the account itself.
Or, note the account the review point relates to, at the review point in the section at the bottom of the workpaper.