XPM - Create a registered office field on contact details for companies
Create a Registered Office field in the contact details so that for client companies, we can have a quick view of physical/business, postal and registered office details. Currently, we have had to create a custom field, which you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to view.

Laura Sinclair commented
This would be extremely helpful, especially with the CAS360 integration. We have so many companies we can't match as the address in CAS360 is the registered office (our address) but in XPM we have the address that we send everything to. This would significantly improve the integration.
Carol Wu commented
This would be helpful as company may have different register address from physical address.
Rachel McCoy commented
yes this would be very helpful!
Maria Kallipolitis commented
quick view access beneficial
Emanuel Calligeros commented
Robin Liu commented
Create a Registered Office field in the contact details