XPM - Bulk Import of Recurring Jobs
The ability to bulk upload/import Recurring Jobs via .csv file, in the same way you can Bulk Import Jobs that are not recurring.
This allows for each row to have the copy/paste capacity for overlapping criteria and can be quickly created through a spreadsheet (which could stem from an Export of your client list to 'schedule' your job creation throughout the year).
One import for an entire client base would be considerably more streamlined and efficient.

Jennifer Adlam commented
Adding an option to convert a current job to a recurring job would be helpful.
Susanna Ault commented
This would be so useful as started using XPM and if we want to set up a new job for a large number of clients would save so much time
Elisa Harris commented
Yes please, this would be such a help! It's extremely impractical if you have hundreds or thousands of recurring quarterly/annual jobs, and then decide the process needs to change, to have to go through each job one by one. I have had to do this in the past, and it took hours!
Not having this ability basically renders the recurring job function that much less useful, so that there's not much time saved in using it, though it has potential.