XPM - Improve Sorting order of Client names in XPM
In MYOB, we had individuals as well as partnerships and trusts (which names included surnames of the associated individuals) set up in surname order, which would allow the clients to be sorted, filtered and exported to various lists or worksheets in that order and make it easy to compare/pick up other fields that should be the same for the group/family members (like addresses, emails for tax notices etc). In Xero, however, the names are sorted by the Name* (for entities) or Display Name* (for individuals) - the fields which we only want to be used as display names on the tax summaries, tax letters or invoices.
Could you please develop a way of setting up the clients in the system so that they are populating on the clients' lists sorted by surname while having their display name to be shown on the tax summaries/tax statements and tax letters? While it is possible to export and format the excel/CSV lists by surnames - it's no good when it comes to checking the clients' data on the formatted lists (e.g. tax payments) against the names that populate on the tax payments menu because they show display names there.