Xero HQ Insights - P&L Data & Selection options
For the Profit and Loss data (Revenue/ Expense/ Net Profit), should be an option to select last month as currently it's bringing up mid month data and comparing with full month information (ie. running the report 20th October and comparing with either full month Sep 2024 or full month October 2024. A lot of clients invoice end of month or after month end so adds little comparison value.
For Cash Balances, ability to select which bank accounts are displayed might be worth considering. Currently showing loans, which skews the information into negative.
AR & AP, ability to show % greater than 90 days overdue might also be helpful.

Christo Smith commented
Would also be great if you can extend the date range of data to a full year even. To get data of industries that are seasonal or project based over a longer period of time.