XPM | AU Payroll - Notifications when a pay run is paid
It would be really helpful to receive notifications when a client pays their payrun.
Especially for our large PAYG Withholding clients, where we send them an email of the tax withholding payable. As large PAYG Withholders only have a roughly a week to pay, an email notification would be a timer saver. As we wouldn't need to log in to check that the pay run has been paid.

Freya Pieroz commented
Especially since Xero isn't set up to allow large PAYG withholders, only monthly and quarterly reporters.
For Xero's reference, here's the Australian Tax Office information on withholding cycles: https://www.ato.gov.au/businesses-and-organisations/hiring-and-paying-your-workers/payg-withholding/paying-and-reporting-withheld-amounts/when-to-pay-and-report-on-activity-statements
Large PAYG Withholders are those who are, or have in the recent past, withholding more than 1 million per year in tax, which works out to a bit over $83k withheld per month. Which is easy to do in industries with a bunch of high income earners, like IT - it takes fewer than 20 employees in the top tax bracket.
Luvienna Moor commented
big agree!