AU Tax - Consistent rollover of percentages in individual deductions
There is a difference in functionality between D5 and D8 in the AU individual tax return form. When deductions are entered in D5, the default deductible percentage is 100%, and whatever percentage is entered here (eg 40% phone) is rolled over when the tax return rolls over to the next year.
In D8, the default deductible percentage is 0% (inconsistent with D5, easy to miss when quickly completing a tax return, requires you to manually type '100%' every line item - why would you enter a 0% deduction?) and the manually entered percentage does not roll over to the next year - the percentage resets to 0% every year. This can easily lead to errors where deductions aren't correctly claimed (claiming 0% of a legitimate expense) and creates additional workflow requirements where each year you may need to look up again the % claimed for items.
Most specifically, it's not consistent with the functionality that already exists in D5 - the code from D5 should easily be able to be copied down to D8, and the default percentage easily changed to 100% to be consistent across sections.