Log into more than one company
It would be really useful to be able to log into more than one company on an reference basis only. I'm often in the middle of something when I am asked a question relating to another company by a colleague or client. I have to log out just to find one bit of information. I might have multiple windows open with different reports etc that I then lose. This is also very important when working on related companies to see intercompany loans in both companies at once. I can see why it would be a problem to post changes to both companies at once as mistakes could easily be made. So a way open another company on a reference basis would be ideal

Hi Cath, when you say you have to log out and then into the other org, are you using 2 separate Xero account logins?
Appreciate not the ideal solution but you could use incognito mode atm, to open the organisation you need to reference?
Cath Lamb commented
Hi, I'm using the same login for both companies.
Thanks for the tip on the incognito mode, that seems to be working! I've tried using a different browser before but it still seems to switch companies after a while. This is working much better