As Xero continues it's push for world domination the number of Xero-generated invoices will climb. HubDoc already has the credentials to access the invoice so it should be possible to do.
A alternate method might be a Xero to Xero transfer of the data (perhaps a monitor in Xero for invoices sent to a specified and authenticated email address)) but the abstraction layer that HubDoc provides for the mapping from invoice to contact makes it the preferred method from my perspective.
As Xero continues it's push for world domination the number of Xero-generated invoices will climb. HubDoc already has the credentials to access the invoice so it should be possible to do.
A alternate method might be a Xero to Xero transfer of the data (perhaps a monitor in Xero for invoices sent to a specified and authenticated email address)) but the abstraction layer that HubDoc provides for the mapping from invoice to contact makes it the preferred method from my perspective.
Thank you for suggesting this Vicky.