Hubdoc - Allow Hubdoc to read a link in the email
Hubdoc - Allow Hubdoc to read a link in the email.
When invoices are received via email and the invoice is not attached, but there is a link to open the invoice and save as a PDF. Alot of clients on Xero send their invoices this way. Would be good if either in Xero or Hubdoc you could read the invoice.

Al Brennan commented
This is necessary.
Major companies like Stripe etc only provide links to tax invoices. This leaves a massive hole in the automation. One foot in and one foot out is the worst of both worlds.
Frank Meertens commented
Attaching Invoices as pdf seems like a good intermediate solution.
Links however, are good for privacy purposes. However, they do away with automation. Reading the content linked to the link obviously would be a great help. -
Tristan Creed commented
Xero not attaching their invoice to emails undoes the whole automation process that Hubdoc and Xero invoice processing is founded one, that being to extract the data autonomously from invoice email without having to manually intervene.
Will Andrews commented
As Xero continues it's push for world domination the number of Xero-generated invoices will climb. HubDoc already has the credentials to access the invoice so it should be possible to do.
A alternate method might be a Xero to Xero transfer of the data (perhaps a monitor in Xero for invoices sent to a specified and authenticated email address)) but the abstraction layer that HubDoc provides for the mapping from invoice to contact makes it the preferred method from my perspective.
Thank you for suggesting this Vicky.
Jodi Stewart commented
This would be particularly awesome for Xero monthly subscription invoices. When you enter these for 30+ clients every month it is very tedious to have to download the document to click on the link, to open the invoice, to download the invoice and then upload to Hubdoc.
Pam van Muijen commented
Our work around has been to click "View" in the top right and that allows you to click the link. It's an extra step.