Settings and activity
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78 votes
Thanks everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your feedback on changes when adding or editing a contact.
Since the initial release, our team have made an update and you'll find you can now enter IBAN and SWIFT into account number without it throwing errors.
Currently, if you save information into the account number field it'll spread across the bank account prefix and bank account number fields - The thing to note is that this will not impact processing of batch payments and will be one field when exported for batch payments.
We understand it’s not the perfect solution and are looking at further enhancing this - I'll keep you updated here.
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As business are now more internationally connected, having these details as an option even if its hidden under a tick box or radio button to drop down the extra fields will really help, as we're having to currently manually keep details in duplicate and that can be seen as a security issue.
Please Xero update this soon, it's been over a year since there was a reply.