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4 results found
New Invoicing - Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Draft Invoice Copy.jpg 124 KB -
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Data Entry Draft Invoice.jpg 137 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Invoice Copy.jpg 99 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Data Entry Invoice.jpg 129 KB -
Screenshot 2024-06-18 142006.jpg 97 KB -
Screenshot 2024-01-31 144249.png 23 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2756.pdf 90 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2754.pdf 92 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2737.pdf 94 KB
445 votesThanks for all your feedback here, everyone. The way you add description only lines in new invoicing is a little different to classic and we wanted to explain in hopes it'll help with how you're using new invoicing.
When entering a description only line, you can enter text in the description field of the line. If you add detail to any other field the line will be treated as a 'financial' line and you will need to include Qty, Unit price, Account and Tax rate.
When an inventory item is added this uses the item code field and the line is treated as 'financial', so it's not possible to use inventory items as description only lines in new invoicing atm.
We appreciate this is how many of you here have been making use of inventory and our product team are closely monitoring the feedback we're getting on this. Though we don't…An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Molan supported this idea ·
440 votes
Hi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Molan commented
Is feature returning? Any updates?
Greg Molan supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Molan commented
Definitely agree. Please bring this entire feature back !!!
58 votes
Hi team, thank you for all your feedback. We're in the process of developing the edit view of the line item grid within new invoicing and will be incorporating the ability to manually add a row and the ability to move blank rows within the invoice. Once released blank lines will be able to be saved within the invoice so you can separate lines or groups of lines as you need. I'll keep you updated on when this goes live.
Greg Molan supported this idea ·
29 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Molan commented
As a matter of urgency, I really require the option of adding blank lines to an invoice or a quote as per the Classic Xero version. My invoices are varied and sometimes require alot of additional information. In the Classic version I am able to do this and move lines around and add blank lines. The new version does not allow this although if you go to the help menu in the new version is says you can. Please, please bring this option back.
Greg Molan supported this idea ·
Hoping for an update on when there will be the option to have black lines without inventory.
Also, when will we be able to add blank lines as per the classic invoicing.
I would not have thought that this would be be a huge issue. It is common sense. It is also critical to the way we invoice, given the detail and information our clients require.
Please provide an update as to when these features will be reinstated.