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  1. I hope that there's separate columns for date and employee name as seen in the previous report as it's totally useful when summarising data for various period. For instance, when generating the old report, it's completely quicker to use the pivot table and other excel formulas to calculate the total hours work and the corresponding cost in a certain period and prepare a comparative report for various pay item/period and employee using the old payroll activity detailed report. It's a single payroll report where all the relevant information is included.

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    17 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hiya team, thank you for sharing your feedback and letting us know the detail and why this is valuable to you. Based on feedback we received on the Employee name and Date columns the team have just released an update to the Payroll Activity Detailed report to include Employee name and Date as separate columns in the report and these will now show by default.

    This will help as noted when exporting and using the data for further analysis outside of Xero. 

  2. Tried to amend the national insurance category to a v category for 6 weeks after the employees start date, as that is when they were valid from, to find the calendar will only allow me to amend to a date previous or on their start date with the company. Has anyone else encountered this issue at all?

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    Hi Laura, it looks like you also raised a support case about this which has since been resolved. 

    To recap, when you add a V category, you'll have the option to enter a date in which the category starts from. Then you would need to enter the date in which the employee was first employed as a civilian.

    For example, V category is valid from 31 Jan, therefore you can only enter the employment civilian date up until 31 Jan. You won't be able to enter an employment date after the NI category date.

  3. There is no reason to keep the previous bank holidays on every payslip.

    I can’t seem to get rid of previous bank holidays from showing on current/future payslips. Why are bank holidays from the Easter and the King's Coronation still appearing on payslips May 2023 onwards?? Doesn’t look very professional. This is all on the YTD earnings line. Why isn't there an option to remove it? Clients are not very happy.

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    3 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone, returning now a few weeks on from our last update, we’re going to move this idea to ‘Delivered’ with the change the team made to Payslip PDFs. We have now combined all previous earnings as one YTD line so that your employees only see the most relevant information 🥳

  4. Ability to reconcile payroll with a matching transaction as currently we have to enter the weekending and what is for when the wages come up in the bank statement but for bills and invoices it automatically knows what transactions are for what

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  5. would be great to be able to filter current employees when looking at Leave Transaction Report. We have many hundred old employees and have to scroll through all of them to get the individual employee.. also no search function to be able to find the employee easily

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    Heya team, thanks for sharing back on how we could improve Xero for you.

    As part of our upgrading Payroll reports with the new version of the Leave Transactions report for both Australian and New Zealand versions of Xero, you can now Search by Employee. So, you'll be able to quickly jump to an employee of interest!😊

  6. Opening balances

    Please can the opening balances have the ability to add, Income Tax, National Insurance and all Student loans deduction YTD.

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    Hey Kirsteen, thanks for submitting this idea 😊 The fields you've suggested are already available in Xero Payroll, as an employee opening balance. 

    If you head to your Payroll > Employees screen and click through to the employee's profile you'll find these fields in Opening Balances. 

    I've included a screenshot of the available opening balances, which includes income tax, student loan payments and NIC, as requested.

  7. Currently there is no option for unpaid sick leave for an employee. It is important to record unpaid leave taken accurately and also display this on the payslip.
    When adjusting the hours paid or work to ensure an employee does not go into a negative sick leave balance, it does not show as unpaid leave on the payslip or reporting.
    A negative sick leave balance should not be automatic, it should be a prompt and choice as to whether the business wants to risk paying sick leave in advance of entitlement.
    Leave without pay and Unpaid sick leave should always…

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  8. Allowing split shift function when entering times in Xero Me

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  9. The ability to remit PAYG withholding to ATO using similar mechanism as Superannuation, utilising unique, yet consistent PRN

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    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →
  10. Xero Me tracking feature in app.
    Please make it optional to complete the tracking function to submit a timesheet. Not all business have employees that use tracking categories. This means many employees are unable to submit a timesheet . Making timesheet tracking optional allows all to use the app

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    Hey Tim,  Totally understand that not all business will use tracking categories for their employees.   You can turn off timesheet tracking for an organisation by setting timesheet categories to 'None' in your Payroll Settings. Employees will then no longer be asked to select a category when submitting timesheets.

  11. I have had to re-run a payroll before when an employee's pay has been incorrectly calculated. When you re-run the payroll, XeroMe did not update with the new payslip information. Surely this should happen automatically.

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    Hey Elre, thanks for sharing this idea!

    Xero Me should actually already behave as you've described - any changes to a posted pay run will generate a new payslip for each employee. 

    I'd recommend raising this one with our support team, as they'll be able to assist with troubleshooting. We'll close this idea off as delivered in the meantime.

    We have holiday entitlement to reset on the 1st of April each year, however, the holidays don't reset until the 1st of May and after April's pay run.
    Please vote for all holiday balances to reset on the actual anniversary date.

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    11 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone, we're pleased to update you that these changes have been released in UK Payroll! 🎉 This includes the ability to set employee's leave to accrue based on a custom date of your choosing. Additionally, we've released changes based on the feedback here so that leave will now accrue on the first day of your annual accrual method.

  13. It would be helpful when using XeroMe if staff could advise of earned Time in Lieu to be accrued for a timesheet. Currently they can only record the hours but not whether additional hours should be paid out or accrued

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    Thanks for your continued support of this idea, community. Pleased to let you know that we’ve released further updates to time tracking in Payroll for Australian users.

    You’ll now be able to add notes to each new earnings line, providing a bit of extra context for the timesheet approver.

  14. Audit Report
    As there are several users with full access to payroll, it would be helpful if this could be shown in the history (there is only minimal information here at present) or by report to see who has made changes to employee details within payroll and when. It would also be useful if there could be changes to the options when setting up a user as some users only require access to approve leave and print reports and not full access.

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    Thanks for your interest in this idea everyone!

    Off the back of our payroll history update back in August last year, we’ve released a dedicated Payroll History report to all Australian payroll users.

    You’ll now see an extra option in the Payroll menu for ‘Payroll History’. This report combines the history tab available across employee details, payslips, payroll settings and pay runs into one report.

    For anyone interested in permission and more user role controls in Payroll - you might like to support and stay tuned for updates in the idea we have for this here. 🙂

  15. Include a section to enter a branch number when filing STP, we have come into an issue where a few of our clients have changed branch numbers throughout a financial year and the process of changing the branch numbers is quite time consuming. I believe if we had the option to include a branch number when filing STP data it would save a lot fo time and confusion.

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    Hey Telena, thanks for sharing your idea!

    As part of our STP 2 updates, we've just released our 'Reset and finalise YTD amounts' tool. This allows you to zero out the amounts reported against the wrong ABN or Branch number and resubmit them against the correct ABN or branch number. 

    This replaces the previous process of filing negative pay runs to zero out the incorrect amounts with the ATO, and speeds up the time taken to correct your filings.

    You can read more about this tool in our 'Correct your STP data after a change in ABN or branch number' article. 

  16. Due to the ATO now requiring employees to keep a record of the hours they work from home in order to claim a percentage of things like internet and electricity bills on their tax return, would it be possible to add this as a Pay Item for employee payslips so it can be easily referenced and submitted for tax purposes.

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    Hey Nicole, thanks for sharing your idea! 

    Understand how it'd be useful for employee's to have this information available at tax time.

    Just to clarify, it's already possible in Xero to create a custom pay item.

    If you need to distinguish between WFH and office hours, you can create a custom pay item for "work from home". 

  17. When you pay statutory maternity pay or statutory paternity pay then 92% or 103% is recoverable from the government. This is correctly included within the P32, but not included within the automatically generated payroll journal. As a consequence, the HMRC liability on the balance sheet is overstated, as is the true salary cost. I've added a manual journal but including this within the automatic journal seems like a helpful addition.

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    Hey Katherine 👋 thanks for sharing this idea, I'm popping in to switch it across to delivered!

    Our Product team have done the work to automatically post the journal for statutory recoveries to the balance sheet 🎉

  18. The ability to import annual leave from Planday to Xero so you are not creating it twice on both platforms.

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    Hi Chris, thanks for your idea here. Understand you may have completed the process yourself by now, but incase you have other orgs you're looking to set up and for others that may be looking for the same - We've released new Switching Wizard in Payroll for the UK. 

    This'll make it easier to transition from your current payroll provider to Xero Payroll, reducing errors and saving you time.

    As part of the experience, you'll be able to import a Full Payment Summary(FPS) from your current software provider to Xero Payroll. You can get more understanding of how this works on our website and through our short video.

  19. UK Payroll - need a summary report showing leave taken / remaining by employee for a given leave year - This is already available in AU payroll

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    14 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →

    Hi team, as an update to my last post, we have now rolled out the Leave Requests report in UK Payroll. This report lists the details for leave requested, approved and taken, for all employees or can be run for a singular employee, and will help when planning rosters or work schedules. Payroll Admins will be able to find and access it through the Reports Centre found in the Accounting menu. We're aware that the Leave Requests report does not meet all of the requirements as outlined in the comments of this idea, and we have created a new idea for a Leave Transactions Report. We will track interest of this idea and keep an eye on this separately, so please do join and support if this is of interest to you.

  20. Allow payroll to be set up by uploading the report from Brightpay when moving software.

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    Hi Laura, thanks for your feedback here. Appreciate you may have already been through the set up process yourself but our recent release of the Switching wizard in Payroll for the UK aims to improve this flow if you set up a new organisation. 

    We've introduced an experience that'll make it easier to transition from your current payroll provider to Xero Payroll, reducing errors and saving time.

    As part of the experience, you'll be able to import a Full Payment Summary(FPS) from your current software provider to Xero Payroll. You can get more understanding of how this works through our short video. 🙂

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