Batch Payment | Remittance Advice - Create for batches that include an overpayment hin there
Please allow remittance advices to be sent to clients from a batch payment even if it contains an overpayment. There is something fundamentally wrong for there not to be an option for this. A batch payment of 100 invoices with an overpayment of 1 is not cause for there not being an option to send a remittance advice to my clients. I've had to search the page and manually extract it onto an excel file and then send to suppliers. Very time consuming especially if you make large batch payments for over 50 different suppliers.

Ruby Chadwick commented
This needs to be actioned, real pain!
Kirsty Banks commented
This has become a real problem within our organisation. so much so that we are thinking of moving away from Xero back to SAGE.
Amie Thompson commented
This is an absolute must for our business. We often have payments slightly out and the work around for this creates extra work so if this could be considered, it would be great :)
Lisa Williams commented
Please could the search bar facility be more broader like picking up all words in the sales invoices or on the Xero system.
Charlotte Rix commented
We should be able to confirm payments on account via a remittance to suppliers
John Rankin commented
Critical for small business
where the owner is in control of outgoings and is not in the office to allocate funds using a tedious method of making a bank transfer manually on overpayments by clients that need to be refunded.
Creates a bad light on businesses that expect payment of our invoices promptly but are not abel to quickly refund where the client has made a mistake and wants their money back. Also think of the turmoil it creates for staff dealing with the client and their own boss. -
Adrienne Tooke commented
Thank you for submitting this issue, as I have the same. It is fundamentally wrong and I hope Xero sorts this out for us all very soon.