VAT - VAT threshold warning for registration
Ability to have a warning message appear when turnover is reaching the VAT registration / deregistration threshold

Sunny Hoyle commented
this would be such an important feature, you'd think not too hard to deliver either.
Nick Paddenburg commented
Couldnt agree more and have been asking XERO for this feature year after year
Chris Gook commented
Tracking last rolling 12 months threshold and automatically only charging for the amount over the excess would be great
Tiffany Da Silva commented
Display a running total on the dashboard for the previous 12 months' turnover, to keep an eye on if a client is about to hit the VAT threshold.
Tamara Young commented
This is essential - we are currently having to look at 3rd party providers for this functionality.
Daniel Mobbs commented
Warning notifications for non VAT registered businesses approaching or breaching the VAT turnover threshold, based on revenue over the past 12 months, to contact their accountant about VAT registration with an option to silence the notifications if revenue would be a VAT exempt supply and/or a link to guidance on VAT registration with a warning of the penalty implications of late registration.