Sales Invoices - Automatic Invoicing Date options
For when creating an re-occuring invoice, there is occasions, where invoices must be sent at specific times of the month, for example...
- Last Day of the month
- Every 2nd Tuesday
- Last Thursday of the month
The reason behind this, is because some companies who you are invoicing operate specific payment cycles, and in order for a small business to get paid within the terms of their invoice ( Late Payment Act 1998 & your own article on [ ] - Payments terms are getting shorter )
More tools we Small businesses have, there better equipped we are in order to meet the requirements to the there businesses who use our services, in order for us to get paid according to our payment terms.
Whilst re-occurng invoices feature that you have is a good start, lets expand on this, and make it excellent. Your Competitor, FreeAgent, is and had been able to do this for years now.

Books 2 Balance Ltd Dipti Mehta commented
Xero Invoicing - selecting an earlier date is so cumbersome and antique fashioned, having to choose from a calendar!