TPAR report for Subcontractors
Produce a Tpar printable Tpar report per subcontractor so we have something to give them when they request details of the amount reported to the ATO

Amy Russell commented
I agree you need to be allowed to lodge a TPAR without an address!! We have about 70-80 subcontractors to report which we don't have addresses for. Now we have to manually lodge it through the ATO which has a maximum of 20 subcontractors per form. This was so much easier last year when the client was on MYOB and we could lodge through MYOB without the addresses.
Come on Xero MYOB's TPAR functionality way exceeds yours.
The other thing you can do in MYOB is hover over the ABN in the contact and it tells you if they are GST registered ir not. I cannot see that ability in Xero? -
Heather Fitzpatrick commented
100% Totally agree with Patrick 19/7. Extremely annoying! But I also raise him, that the end report produced should be easily printable with a declaration for the client to sign prior to lodgemet.
Tanya Spence commented
I can't believe we can't have a printable TPAR report (PDF). Come on Xero, please give us some sort of consistency with these things.
Katrina Larmour commented
I'd like a promt to ask each time we add a new contact if we want to add it to TPAR group this will stop missing so many we constantly get new contractors and many get missed
Vanessa O'Connor commented
I agree with Patrick Abou-Rizk comment on addresses. The address field is a very annoying unnecessary requirement.
Patrick Abou-Rizk commented
We should be able to complete a TPAR report without the need to put a contractors address down. Some contractors don't have a PO Box or don't want to show your their home address on the invoice hence cant put an address for the contact. However when you come to do the TPAR report at year end XERO wont let you lodge this until you put an address almost forcing you to put an incorrect address to get the report lodged. This is not ideal especially when the ATO allows you to lodge the report without an address. As long as you have an ABN and phone number you can lodge it. Other software I use allows you to lodge and validate without an address. XERO have advised we can download a CSV and do a manual form but honestly that is a terrible alternative especially when clients have been adding bills all year to make the TPAR an easier process at year end. XERO needs to be able to allow us to lodge the TPAR report without an address for the contractor.