Chart of accounts - Default to latest transactions first
From Chart of Accounts, click on an amount in the YTD column. The account loads with the transactions in date order oldest to newest. Please reverse this (or create an option) for the transactions to load with the latest transactions first by default.

Mandy Eastman commented
To me this a no brainer. Xero should absolutely provide users with the ability to change this default setting.
Jennifer O'Neil commented
This is very annoying, please let us have a default we can change! Looks like it's been needed for a long time, so please make this one happen.
Nerolie Nealis commented
Oh yes, I'm so happy to see this is annoying for everyone else too. There should be a setting where you can default the order that transactions appear in.
Julie-Ann Paton commented
Please change this @xero! So annoying changing it every time.
Kim Frazer commented
I cannot believe there are only 13 votes in support of this idea. It is absolutely ridiculous that the sort order cannot set in the defaults to the users preferred way and that this issue has not been addressed by Xero.
Peter ROBINS commented
This one miss-feature alone makes me reluctant to recommend Xero to my peers (Charity Treasurers). Instead, I usually suggest QBO which does do it "the right way around".
Lori Notman commented
Why oldest to newest - we don't need to default to when Xero file was created we need to see what is current - even when you run the GL transaction report is isn't in date order.
Julie Tabone commented
Why can't the default viewing of transations be set with newest at the top in nominals, instead of having to switch it every time, or scroll for days to find the bottom where the newest entries currently sit?
Nerolie Nealis commented
This should be something very simple, and it is logical for most business to be looking for a recent transaction, not one from 10 years ago.
Valerie Hague commented
Come on Xero, this one is easy!!!
Kim Frazer commented
This should be basic functionality. It is really annoying that every time I want to look at a transaction I have to first reverse the date order.
Surely this is a simple fix.
Julie Dawson commented
Great idea! I was very surprised that it wasn't an option already. I doubt if anyone would be wanting to look at the oldest transactions first from 10 years ago!
Clare Tayler commented
Yes please! I have to change the order every time I go into an account this way, as who really wants to look at transactions from years ago! If I'm looking at the account it's because I'm looking for recent transactions. Please can you change the default to be recent transactions first, it would be much more intuitive and save lots of time and frustration! Thank You!