Checks - Control Printing Order
I haven't yet been able to determine what order checks print selected bills in, and they seemingly change their sort order if you select them to print again. Is there a way to control the order they print in to come out alphabetically by payee, so that we can more efficiently match them up to the letters they need mailed out with? Or, have a way to select how you want them sorted (i.e. by payee, memo, etc.) on the Pay by Check screen when printing multiple bills?

Michelle Orlowski commented
A/P checks should have the option, or better yet default to, alphabetical order. Businesses that I have worked with normally have back up that is attached to the checks. One, so that the check signer has confirmation as to what they are signing. Two, so that the backup can be attached and filed with the check stub for future reference. This checks should be able to print in the same order as the backup, and alphabetically is very common. When the checks print in no discernable order, it takes additional time to go thru the checks to find the correct backup. A small check run of a few checks can add minutes to the task, so businesses with larger quantities of checks would add quite a bit of time to this task.
Gregory Yorke commented
Following up … any process where checks are printed in an unpredictable, unrepeatable order can not by definition have an "expected behavior."
A normal user expects that, if they void checks and delete the check numbers and repeat the selection process step-by-step, then the new checks will be numbered exactly the same as the initial, voided batch. -
Gregory Yorke commented
Xero support states that this order is random -- it is not even repeatable if you select n checks, save (number) them, void those checks, and try to create the checks again. The check numbers will be in a different order. They should have a logical order, like the sort used on the bills screen they were selected from, or always in vendor alphabetical order. That way if there is a problem (and right now I have 3000 checks worth of problem) you can always reissue checks in a predictable order.