Invoice/Bils: Importing - Use Contact Account Number instead of ContactName
When importing invoices and bills, to have the option to import using the Account Number where specified, instead of the Contact Name to avoid the issue of creating duplicate contact records where the name does not match exactly in Xero.

Donald Smith commented
The lack of this feature severely limits the scalability of Xero for larger orgs
Ammar Quettawala commented
Allow the use of the Contact Account Number and/or Contact ID fields in the invoice Import file.
Ammar Quettawala commented
Using the Account Number as a field that uniquely identifies a contact should have been a must-have feature. Contacts with the same name are a common occurrence.
Robyn Sharp commented
It is really important for some clients that have orders etc driven by the Account (customer) number.
Emma Kauter commented
It is very Important
out account numbers are unique identifiers. Customer names can be similar. -
Hiren Shah commented
It is very Important to have a unique identifier than a name as these can be very similar or sometimes the same.
Shaune Speed commented
Couldn't agree more.
Simon Berney-Edwards commented
Absolutely agree. We are going to be starting to use Xero very shortly and I find it completely odd that the name be used rather than a unique identifier such as account number!
Margaret Wood commented
I totally agree, the option to import using Account Number would save time and would also help lower my blood pressure!