AU Payroll - Setting award wages automatically
Have the ability to set the relevant Award Rates and applicable grade so the pay rates gets automatically updated each year when the award rate changes, rather than having to manually make the changes.

Leanne Akkermans commented
Please please please please implement this. As a business in the hospitality industry, running 24/7, the amount of pay grades, loadings, penalties is insane. The whole point would be to reduce the human error while entering dozens of different pay rates - and make sure everyone is paid correctly!
Samantha Birkwood commented
Any update on this? As be great to have it before awards go up again 1 July this year....
Nibu Babu commented
Critical for us and add more value to Xero
Ching Ng commented
It will likely increase the number of users/subscribers.
Sam Chen commented
With all due respect, I don't think implementing this in Xero is too hard. My clients would rather pay a little more for Xero subscriptions than have to pay for another software subscription.
Belynda Rocha commented
With award integration you would be saving your clients money so they don’t have to pay for employment hero or deputy etc. it’s a vital part of payroll
Donna Smalley commented
Payroll - a complete new payroll programme within XERO for timesheets and award integration and interpretation. Tanda, Deputy and Keypay are our current options. However, it would be much better for XERO to offer this as part of their solutions for our business.
Timesheets in XERO are very basic and not suitable for all our 50plus staff and our 3 branch locations. -
Kirsten Wakefield commented
This is a great idea, award interpretation is available in other software, it would assist business owners to keep compliant with any pay rate increases that occur.