Aged Accounts receivable/payable reports - Make headings across multiple pages
The Management Pack report includes the Aged Receivables and Aged Payables reports. When they fall over two pages due to the volume of contacts, the column headings only appear on the first page. It would be useful (and good practice) to repeat the column headings on each page.
Claire Taylor commented
Yes fixed heading that scroll down with page and print at top of each page - this is a must for Profit & Loss compare categories reports as well especially as we have 20+ categories we use which goes outside 1 screen and have to scroll over and down
With so many general ledger numbers (lines) it goes to multiple pages and have to roll up screen to see which heading relates to which total at bottom and move sideways and up again to see which tracking total relates to
Also a 'dont display zero amounts' would be great too - to reduce size of report especially with new reports this is a major pain as it displays all categories even if zero balance