Reporting: New P&L and Balance sheet - Add a link to go back to the report
With the old reports you were able to run the report and then click into one of the GL codes to look at the data. There was then a link "back to P&L / Balance sheet report" which took you back. This is missing in the new report which is very time consuming as it seems you have to start again with running and customising your report.

Thank you for rounding back to confirm, Emily. I’ve changed the title of your idea, and we’ll keep an eye on the interest from the community here.
For now, you can try to use the right click to open a new tab on your browser when opening the transaction or code. We’ll come back here if there’s any news.
Jill Gates commented
I like the new P&L and balance sheet reports very much, but I don't like the fact that when you have selected the periods you want to look at, and you drill down into a figure, when you press the back arrow to go back up a level, it takes you back to the entry screen rather than the periods you have selected, so you have to set them up again. Can this be changed, because it's very frustrating and time-consuming?
And, how do you get rid of the pop-up Tips & Tricks window which appears every time you opt to use the new format - and when you go back up a level when you've been drilling down? It's driving me mad!!
Emily Richards commented
Not at all - does not address the link "back to P&L / Balance sheet report".
The fonts, etc of the new reports to not make them easy on the eye so even with customisation the new reports are not "easy on the eye" for review purposes.
AdminDana A (Admin, Xero) commented
Hey Emily, I want to get a better understanding about your idea here, would you think that saving your customised report can achieve what you're after here (