Dashboard - Ability to change the columns from the standard two to three or four
Dashboard - Ability to change the columns from the standard two to three or four.
This would give me more flexibility to see all the data in one place without having to scroll down to see all our accounts.

Peter Mahar commented
Totally agree - such a simple change that would make a big difference.
Cindy White commented
100% agree with those below. Would appreciate being able to have 4 columns so that I don't have to scroll down so much.
Ben Paddick commented
This is such a simple but very useful request.
Paul Meades commented
You can see the amount of wasted space on this screenshot.
Paul Meades commented
Can you allow us to edit the dashboard in an org to more than just 2 columns as I have to scroll down a lot when there is plenty of space either side of the 2 column format. Maybe this is left over from when we all used to use 4:3 screens rather than the wider versions we use now?
Darren Brown commented
This would be a great feature.
Mark Brown commented
Absolutely, this should be standard
Kamil Hepner commented
High-resolution monitors, such as 4K, are becoming standard these days. However, there is a lot of wasted space on the main dashboard, which can be quite annoying. Users often find themselves constantly scrolling through the two columns.
Kyle Chirpich commented
agreed. there's lots of wasted space on most computer screens.
Laurence Simpson commented
Would make reconcilling and veiwing critical information quicker.
Lesley Sharp commented
Yes. Agreed!
Lesley Sharp commented
Enable us to customise the number of columns in the dashboard kanban view from the two-column size we're stuck with to three and four columns. This way, we would be able to have a birds-eye view of all our business snapshots and make better use of the screen space instead of having two huge white gutters up either side of the screen.
Mark Brown commented
This should absolutely be a thing in this day and age of wider screens.