Contacts - Ability to search group
Currently when you want to add a contact to a group and you have a entire list of different groups, you can not search for the group you are looking for, you have to scroll through your list. It is very frustrating not being able to search for the group.

Riana Burger commented
Big need for a way to filter the contacts not yet allocated to a group!
Also being able to import a list of contacts directly to a specific group.
Manual searching and allocating is very time consuming. -
Malin Hunter commented
In the "All Contacts" view, I would like to be able to see the "Group" next to the contact name. The change would allow me to quick and easy add individuals/companies to a group. Currently we have to open the contact to see if a group has been assigned. This is very time consuming if you forgot to add the the company to the group when setting up the contact initially.
Adding customers to a group and being able to search that group by a keyword or group name. For instance, adding a number of customers to a group called yellow, when you need to invoice all customers in the yellow group you should be able to just search the word yellow.
Gary Brown commented
When using Contact Groups, there is currently no way to filter your contact list to show contacts that have not been allocated to a contact group. It would be really helpful to be able to do this so you can ensure that every contact has been included in a group, when trying to organise all the contacts.