Projects - Assign one Invoice for multiple projects
PROJECTS if a client has multiple projects, can there be an option that you can bill all or some of these against one invoice.

Helen Flynn commented
I couldn't agree more, this functionality is critical for me also where I'm doing consulting work for multiple projects in an organisation and they want one invoice but still with the detail of allocations across each individual project. Just emailing the invoices together is not sufficient. It is creating a lot of extra effort for me now to try to create a consolidated invoice by adding line items and assigning them to a project as I currently have to do.
Please, please, please put this in the development pipeline very soon for us or I think I might need to look for an alternative system.
Bronwyn Telford commented
We are an engineering design company and need to be able to invoice several projects to a client each month. As the client only wants one invoice, we need to cut and paste project details to one invoice, then go back and mark the hours as invoiced, yet they don't show the invoice number next to the hours. This creates more steps, and with each manual step, there is a chance of an error. It would be very beneficial to be able to have several projects on one invoice.
James Weda commented
This is a critical feature. Projects is quite useless without it. Projects and expenses really needs an overhaul. The functionality of other programs are much better and cheaper.
Alison Hogg commented
I second this as a contract accoutant I have projects per annual accounts job and working for 3+ firms and need to raise weekly invoices for my time. Being able to grab all of X and create an invoice for the week would be amazing for those of us with lots of projects and only a small handful of clients.