Invoice - Contact bank account details field on invoice
The contacts screen has the financial details Bank account i.e Bank account name, BSB code e.g. 123-456, Bank account number e.g. 1234567890.
However these are not fields on the invoice.
Xero help out and create these fields on the invoice.

Ali Abbas commented
But unfortunately , i can see only bank account number in the contact list under financial information. I could see bank name " name of the bank" field is not visible.. For example.. when we make payment to our supplier thru bank, we will have to provide bank name , account number and name of the supplier before we proceed to pay..
But in xero , the bank name " eaxample UOB bank" is missing. Pls see below screeshot from xero .. Pls advise where do I input the bank name in the financial details. Thank yo