Reports - View bank reconciliation narration in account transaction report
Description Field with the bank narration
This happened as a couple of newer client and new to xero in the contact field wrote something incredibly different to the bank narration which makes it very difficult to review the general ledger information.
For example in the General Account the transactions descriptions are all listed as "John Smith" when if the bank narration option was available I could see it is Officeworks, KFC, etc and this would make it easier to realise these are miscoded and reallocate.

Nicolaas Myburgh commented
I can't understand how this is not a standard report. It's a huge problem that Xero should seriously considering fixing.
Xero says they want to save time and effort, but they are saving me Xero time now as I need to spend a huge amount of time to go to separate areas just to see if a transaction was allocated correctly according to the bank description
Jacob Fletcher commented
Huge problem, must be fixed.
How are we supposed to feel confident that the accounts have been reconciled correctly...
Gary Dreyer commented
I found this a real problem as well - can't believe Xero can't manage this.
But I tried something that seems to work.
When reconciling bank transactions, simply copy and paste the bank transaction line from the left side of the screen into the "Why" field on the right side of screen. This then appears in the Description field of the AT report.
Vanessa Burdett commented
To run a report showing bank transaction detail (from the bank) and allocation detail would be very time saving for audit purposes.
Graeme De Kock commented
Hi Kelly, the Account transaction report doesn't show the original bank statement description, atleast not in my case. It shows the description that was entered when doing the bank recon. For example when the salaries are processed the person would just put the description as "Salaries & wages" and that is what shows on the Account Transaction report instead of the actual line being "Alfonzo Salary".
Its possible to pull this report in Quickbooks and in Sage cloud so why can't it be done in Xero?
Kate Smith commented
I agree. As an accountant I would love to see a report that captures all of that information.
Braedon Clark commented
This is without a doubt a huge issue, and creates a body of unnecessary work to then have to check client transactions. I've lost count of how many times I've had to run 2 separate reports in Xero, and then reply on a script to try and compare the two.
Mohammed Rajani commented
Report that shows the bank transaction description and the chart of account it is allocated to:
When you run the general ledger detail report the "reference" tab does not usually show what the bank transaction description was/is. It would make it easier for an accountant to rectify clients transaction allocation if we can see the bank transaction description instead of having to click onto every transaction and see if it was allocated correctly.
Or under the "bank statements" tab when you click on the bank account, a function to see and change the account the transaction was allocated to, would save a lot of time.
Mariah Urso commented
The account transactions report should show both the description and reference from the bank account. As banks use different fields, it makes it hard when reviewing the accounts as sometimes the description does not come through.
Casey Woodhead commented
Absolute critical to have this feature. As a Bookkeeper it is extremely time consuming checking clients work and having to manually click onto each transaction to see the bank narration.
Casey Woodhead commented
General Ledger Report to show original bank statement narration as well as the chart code the transaction has been reconciled to.
Currently the Payee name is overriding the bank statement narration when running ledger report. Often the Payee name is entered incorrectly (inadvertently) & not being able to see the bank statement narration makes checking this very time consuming.
For example; on the General Ledger report the payee may say "Personal", however on the bank statement it says "WorkCover Monthly payment". It is very easy to miss something that has been coded incorrectly.
James Dixon commented
The ability to run a general ledger or account transactions report, but instead of description, to include the lines per the bank statement.
Alvin Sun commented
Very important to accountant!
Holly Andrews commented
This is critical for accountants to be able to review clients work. When you have hundreds/thousands of transactions, clicking into each one individually to check the bank line is just not possible.
Matthew Wheaton commented
Can Xero please add a field option to the account transactions report to show what the bank statement actually says so we can compare information entered in transactions in Xero to that information within the bank statement.
If a client using the wrong contact/description it can be hard to identify incorrect transactions without drilling down to the bank statement transactions.
Emma Careless commented
Keep the transaction message/description per the bank statement visible even once a transaction has been reconciled. It seems to drop off once a transaction has been reconciled? Maybe add in an 'extended description' field. this will provide more insight to those responsible for reconciling account transactions, particularly if they were not the ones executing the transfer/payment etc.
Ika Hydrax commented
Currently the description column on account transaction report for bank account, only stated the contact name not the real description we compute in file bank impor (ie: monthly bank charge, initial deposit, etc).
this would be great if Xero could generate the description for bank account in account transaction report from description we compute in bank impor or provide new line description for us to fill when we generate payment. thankyou