Contacts - Ability to save 'Attention to' only for Billing or Postal address
Since the new contact layout was introduced, you cannot save an attention name without there being an address in the address field. Sometimes we do have a company name, contact name and no address.
Please review and correct.

Abby Stewart commented
Add the "Attention" box back under contact details. Any reason why this was taken out? Adding it back would not disrupt anything.
Stu Dawson commented
We are the same, often need to put a c/o name without an address.
Plus can you also put this back on the first page of contact details, would be better under the contact name, not under addresses.As per a previous comment, contacts was better all as one page, don't see the advantage of splitting this over various.
Shirley Wong commented
It is very important to have the "Attention" field show up in the invoice without needing full address. The contact name does not show up in the invoice template as well even though the field is listed to show in the invoice template.
Appreciate Xero make this changes soon. Thank you.