EU Invoice: Ability to switch comma/decimal format
Currently in European Countries except for the United Kingdom, the comma is used as a decimal separator not the dot.
Europe: x.,xx i.e. €1.250,55
UK: x,.xx i.e. £1,250.55
For those Xero users invoicing to Europe countries It would be great if we could change the format of these numeric separators to better conform to European countries.
The only ability we have at the moment to customise this is to remove the comma separator completely and have no decimal places.
i.e €1 251

Michelle O'Cconnell commented
It is not even conceptually difficult. Banks seamlessly handle transfers from one format to the other. We have to edit the pdf in acrobat and re-save it. Not ideal.
Masha Svarisciuc commented
too bad this idea doesn't have enough votes. not only it messes the invoices and bills systems (as a person that works with commas instead of dots all day every day), but it's also making impossible to import bank statements since they are in european format and xero "translates" them to US format which usually adds 3 zeros for the number....
Suzanne Dykes commented
This is the European numbering convention, therefore it should be a basic function of the software, especially as Xero is international.
It is important for us to look professional to our clients and invoicing them correctly is crucial, including the numbering convention. eg €10.563,89 not €10,563.89.