Reports | Statement of Cashflows - add budget column
Can we please add a budget column to the statement of cash flows report. I find this report (once customised to reveal all account codes) very useful for showcasing cash received vs spend on taxes, assets, liabilities and business expenses. To be able to set a budget in the budget manager for cash flow will save hours preparing manual cash flow forecasts outside of xero.

Suzanne Kaufman commented
Cashflow budget forecasts critical for clients.
Ron Aitken commented
Fully support this including or adding the ability to select future months (or years') budgets or forecasts to predict the yearend cash balance(s). These are very useful for staying abreast of and managing ratios and banking covenants.
Or just add the option to select Account Code in "More". This will allow an export and manual match to exported budgets/forecasts in excel. -
Neil Templeton commented
Highly support this request. Great report but really needs the ability to compare to projected
David Penrose commented
It would be more useful if they had a statement of cashflows which has actual and budget by month.
This feature is readily available in MYOB and has been in other accounting packages for multiple years, I do not understand how any business in NZ can operate without knowing their monthly cashflow!