AU Payroll - Attach files to leave requests
When people put in a personal leave form, can you please add an attachment button, so that a medical certificate can be added.
In Xero Me & Xero.

Hannah Fincham-Thomson commented
Please add ASAP this is very important
Melinda Orellana commented
Vital feature to have for payroll. Please add as quick as possible.
Nadine O'Connell commented
We hope this is rectified quickly.
Lakmali Hetti Arachchige commented
This is an essential feature for payroll processing. This would save the time of everyone who involves with the process.
Gayani Walivitage commented
This feature is essential to add, and it will greatly contribute to smooth operations.
Accounts Manager commented
Would really like this to be implemented. As a BAS Agent doing my clients Payroll, it would be good to have somewhere to save doctors certificates on the employee file.
Henry Arora commented
This is really important! Please add this function and make life easier!
Janet Sperou commented
It's only logical to have leave requests, sick certificates etc attached to the employee
Cath Kestle commented
Extremely important, these days with EBA's and unions, we must adhere to the EBA's and sick leave taken with/without certificate.
Kayla Zou commented
This is really important! Please add this function and make life easier!
Annie Walsh commented
Really good idea would help a great deal with efficiency of approving leave.
Phillipa Dickens commented
This has become absolutely essential with the move from physical to digital file storage. At the moment we have to have employees email through medical certificates AND request their leave in Xero. It would be much simpler for everyone to have it all in one place and would allow reconciling to be much quicker and clearer for everyone.
Debbie Fisher commented
An attachment button in NOTES would also be great
Antonietta Corte commented
This function would greatly assist in storing and referencing back leave requests and approvals
Amanda Jones commented
It is critical to have this option. It's necessary for an employee to obtain a medical certificate for personal/carer's leave and it makes sense that it be attached to a leave request. It would streamline the process and remove the need for two files to be kept.
BL Civil Accounts commented
This is vital for this business. No certificate no pay. I have to manually add all personal leave. This means we have to have two different ways they request leave and if no personal leave available I have to add manually annual leave if they want to use it.