Business Snapshot - Ability to show monthly and quarterly comparatives
In the Business Snapshot all of the comparatives are to previous year. In a startup this isn't meaningful as prior year balances are nil, but month-to-month or quarter-to-quarter comparatives would be super useful. In established businesses also, monthly and quarterly comparatives can be very useful.
Melinda Butler commented
Its imperative to my business that I compare to the previous month.
Hannah Sharland commented
Completely agree with this, I work for a business in it's early stages. The report is great, however completely useless to us right now.
Pat Gellion commented
Yes this would be very useful.
Lewis Voce commented
Completely agree with this - the ability to choose comparative periods similar to how we can on the P&L/Balance Sheet would be great.
Elin Jones commented
Agreed. Month by month would be more useful than by year to year