User Role | Invoice Only Users: Ability to remove and amend invoice amounts
Hi Xero.
Currently, User's with Invoice Only Access can only approve invoices and bills. However they are unable to remove a payment (or part thereof) from an invoice.
This is a problem if the User accepts a payment, then realises that there is an error on the invoice, as they are then unable to remove the amount and fix the invoice.
It would be great if these User's could have this ability without having access to the business bank accounts

Stacey Bennett commented
This Invoice Only role is very problematic. There certainly needs to be a role that can manage AR/AP but NOT view bank accounts and reports, but this person should be able to do all the necessary pieces of their job. When a client contests an invoice that's paid via ACH (GoCardless), the AR person should be able to manage Remove & Redo and voiding the invoice if necessary. Also, we learned they can't match the Direct Debit forms to link Xero contacts with GoCardless contacts. These pieces need to be added to the Invoice Only role, or it makes limited permissions extremely difficult to manage.