Pricing Plans - Create a plan for 'Holding company with subsidiary ledger accounts'
Currently, it seems that business owners with more than one company need to purchase separate subscriptions for each entity.
Whilst this may be a good solution for users with one or two entities, it becomes very expensive (and in some cases prohibitive) for users who own multiple entities to make use of Xero as an accounting service. Additionally, "overall financial position" metrics / reports currently need to be purchased separately - which further increases the cost for business owners.
I would thus like to enquire whether it would be possible for Xero to create either a license option to that allows: (i) "Single user, multi-entity" licensing, or (ii) "Holding company with subsidiary ledger accounts" licensing?
I believe that this may increase both the functionality of the product and boost sales to business who operate at a larger scale.
Kind regards

Lawrence McPhail commented
A holding company in one jurisdiction with operating companies (four of 'em, two at the same level and two more under one of those). With three to five users regular access each (probably the same users for all of them).
Naomi Pak commented
I second this idea. Actually we a only a very small company with little turnovers. Yet, we have 5 companies registered in 3 jurisdictions primarily due to legal and regulatory compliance requirements. in each company there are also branches. meantime, we are using manual accounting while one of the company's branch use QBO and we have one company newly subscribed to Xero. We may try the divisional accounting approach mentioned in your Support KB, yet, cost wise and effectiveness consideration, I do second Jeshua's request for a more viable and feasible price plan/functions
Jatinkumar Patel commented
I too am interested in this functionality.
Matt Baird commented
I, too am interested in an answer to this question. We have a number of small entities which have very few transactions each month and only 1 or 2 debtor invoices, no payroll, but paying $65 per month per company is cost-prohibitive. We currently use MYOB Accountright and pay a single monthly fee for an unlimited number of companies (using a local database file and desktop app).