Contacts - Export contact group
Very simple fix. Add 'Group' as a column header on CSV export download of contacts. When I download all the contacts, ive no way of knowing which group they are in, or if they are not in a group.

Damien O'Looney commented
Over two years and still no update on this pretty simple fix.
Emma Dodgson commented
Any update on exporting "Group" tag when doing a bulk contacts export?
Corrina Wilson commented
I very much need this feature
Louise Gilder commented
yes I would like to be able to see groups in all contacts exported and also in the view in Xero
Chris Mulley commented
Frustrating that for all the tagging in Xero you cannot report on many things such as customer Groups but also things like projects.
Rebecca Cohen commented
This feature would make Xero so much more beneficial. Currently needing other programs to manager contacts.
Gordon Jones commented
It would be very useful to be able to export a contact group to Excel for sorting, analysis, etc.
Fiona Turner commented
So here we go again. I ask a question to Xero and they send me to an "Ideas" page. Ho hum, they're so unuseful when it's not their idea or something they're working on. And more than a year on, still not able to add a simple "Group" addition to the CSV export. Sigh.
Yolande DONOVAN commented
Could Xero please arrange for Group to be added to the Contacts export.
Chris O'brien commented
this did not work me. I'm the average person who's got basic computer skills. After multiple attempts to do this, this failed for me. My outlook account kept mixing up my xero clients with my personal contacts. In the end, I found out I needed a professional version of outlook, (which I refuse to pay for). I finally managed to get it over in a separate category with the help of a professional. Since then, my client's list as updated. This group email suggestion was raised back in 2021, as far as I can tell. How is this not a priority?
I am now considering switching to MYOB, because not only do they have this feature, but their plans are cheaper. -
Elle Young commented
I would like to see the groups each contact is linked to when viewing the All Contacts page. It would be an easy visual way to see which contacts have not been added to a group and which groups they have been added to.
Alternatively, a report or an export of contacts that shows every contact and the groups that they are in - or if not in any.
Sharon Davies commented
I would also like to see what group a contact is in on the 'Contacts' page.
Sarah Cleland-Smith commented
This would be so useful and time saving for us. I need to be able to see who is not assigned a group since this is a new thing we are doing (adding groups to each customer) and I need to be able to easily see which customers are still not assigned.
Erin O'Dwyer commented
Very important and much needed. I need to be able to sort my contacts into specific groups and use this data for our business.
Please add Groups as a field in the contact export download