Invoices: Bulk add attachments to many invoices
Add attachments to draft invoices in bulk. E.g add the same attachment(s) in a single step to multiple draft invoices

1stKarori ScoutGroup commented
This would be useful. I need this feature for annual subscription billing.
Office Manager commented
This would be a great addition and save a lot of time
Alan Porter commented
Yes please add this feature. Document wasn’t available to add when draft invoices created.
Kevin O'hagan commented
Yes, please add this feature.
Bob Lewis commented
Yes, please add this feature.
Kylie Kirk commented
This would be great for sending out bulk annual invoices with newsletters!
Joe de Berker commented
It defeats the benefit of creating group invoices having to amend them individually. This would be a great help.
Please make it happen
Narena Newsome commented
It is very time consuming to do a number of invoices that require the same attachments. I think this is a necessary feature in Xero. Please add to Xero.
Jomari Steyn commented
This would help A LOT, please!
Thomas Grenet commented
+1 for the idea!
This would be a great labor saving feature for us