My Xero - Permanently remove cancelled org from list
Ability to completely remove from the My Xero homepage cancelled Xero organisations. Currently, you can list no fewer than 10 items per page, so if you have say 4 active organisations and 6 cancelled organisations, you are 'forced' to look at the list of cancelled organisations every time you log in, even if the entities have long been deregistered and there is no chance that you will resubscribe to them.

Justin Robbins commented
I would definitely like to see the option to hide an organisation from my list every time I log in.
I understand there's a business driver to keep it there, but would like to know how many people who have more than one organisation with Xero, and cancel one but continue using Xero for the other(s), actually reopen it.
I suspect it is very low. I wouldn't wish to use more than one accountancy package, so cancelling would usually mean the organisation is no longer active.