Sales invoice - Convert base currency invoice to foreign currency
It would be great if there was a feature to display conversion details for invoices that are entered in the base currency. ie - your base currency is GDP and it shows the conversion rate in EUR

Suzie Carey commented
It would be great if each line item could be displayed in base currency and conversion currency so our customer can see individual breakdown
Elizabeth Yeaman commented
Yes - and allow multiple currencies and their conversion rates on the same invoice. Useful for when adding billable expenses to an invoice incurred in different countries.
Tiana Donald commented
When you change the currency in a quote or invoice, could it automatically convert the price to the new currency, and update the bank details on the invoices? We often sell in Europe and it would be really useful if we could add the pound price to our quotes and then select Euros and it automatically converted the price to Euros, and the same in invoices. Also, when invoicing, it would be very useful if when you changed the currency to Euros, it would automatically change the invoice template to the Euro invoice with our Euro bank details.
Amelia McMullan commented
To be able to enter the AUD/base currency in the invoice and have the it auto convert to the invoicing currency. i.e. Invoice should be 1,500 AUD but the customer wants to be invoiced in EUR. Currently the client needs to manually calculate the conversion to EUR (e.g. 1,500 x 0.67 = 1,005 EUR) to produce the invoice.
We would like to enter 1,500 AUD and Xero completes the conversion to EUR using the current conversion rate?