Activity Statements - Ability to generate comparatives for BAS and IAS
Are you able to generate comparatives button on the BAS's and IAS's for the previous period and the same period last year, like there is for tax returns? This would be a handy tool to use when reviewing.

Helen Hardegen commented
Any chance we could get a Comparative Report for BASs in XeroTax? I think it would be very useful to be able to compare current BAS with a previous few to easily highlight amounts that are out of ordinary expectations in PAYGW, PAYGI or GST. I envisage a report similar to income tax comparison but across more periods. Thanks.
Mitchell Dunn commented
Comparatives figures: We would like the inclusion of activity statements to compare with the previous quarters activity statement (similar to the comparative in tax returns).
Mitchell Dunn commented
Comparatives figures: We would like the inclusion of activity statements to compare with the previous quarters activity statement (similar to the comparative in tax returns).