PayPal - Import proportion of VAT with feed
As a retail company with many hundreds of transactions each day it is a massive task to properly account for VAT. All our products are VATable inside the UK but we receive many orders from outside the UK which are non-VATable, or from other EU countries where we must charge a different VAT rate for our IOSS return.
PayPal holds details of the VAT that was collected as part of the transaction, but as Xero imports all these hundreds of transactions from PayPal it currently does not import those VAT details. That means we have to look at our other systems to work out which tax bracket to put each and every transaction into. It would be really useful if Xero could import the VAT data (or even just the delivery country code) that is held in PayPal so that the correct VAT treatment could be automatically applied using rules.
Is this a problem that other higher volume retailers are facing or does someone have a solution to this?